Gpg4win is a installer package for Windows (2000/XP/2003/Vista) with computer programs and handbooks for EMail and File Encryption. Both relevant cryptography standards are supported, OpenPGP and S/MIME (the latter is in progress and currently works with GnuPG2 and Claws Mail).
The Gpg4win project aims at updating the Gpg4win Windows installation package with GnuPG Encryption Tool, associated applications and documentation on a regular basis. Especially the documentation (handbooks "Novices" and "Durchblicker") are directly maintained as part of the Gpg4win project.
Another central aim is the united support of both relevant cryptographic standards, OpenPGP and S/MIME. This is work-in-progress, but should be finished by the end of 2007.
Gpg4win is an international project. Due to the origin of the project and many members, German language is fully supported as well. Any additional translators are very welcome!
The main difference compared to all other similar approaches (mainly GnuPP, GnuPT, Windows Privacy Tools and GnuPG-Basics) is that the first piece developed was the Gpg4win-Builder. This builder allows to easily create new gpg4win.exe installers with updated components. It runs best on a GNU/Linux system. Almost all products are even automatically cross-compiled for integration into the installer.
With this concept it is hoped to good practical support to prevent quick aging of the installer package. Because updating is much easier and does not depend on a single person.